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The Sound of English - BBC English Speech and Accent Training
種類: ebook
アーティスト: Joseph Hudson
価格: 1,500円
発売日: 2015年07月31日
✦ Learn British English Pronunciation with Pronunciation Studio's new ebook ✦
ʻThe Sound of Englishʼ will take you step by step to clear, confident spoken English. It is a practical, interactive course covering the vowels, consonants, spelling to sound rules and melody of a neutral GB English accent, sometimes known as RP or BBC English. 
Designed for learners who aim to make their English sound accurate and confident like a native speaker, over 9 chapters you will learn to correctly produce all 45 English sounds. On top of sounds, each chapter covers key elements of joining, spelling to sound rules, stress and intonation with lots of everyday examples to practise. Including hundreds of repetition drills, exercises and audio, the method is highly practical and fun to follow. The entire 183 page course will take 20 to 30 hours of study, but you will want to continue practising the drills long after completion to ensure long term improvement.
The course was made at Pronunciation Studio school in London - home to a team of specialist IPA certified ESL teachers, where thousands of students from over a hundred countries have taken their speech to its full potential. The benefits of completing the course are firstly improved listening skills and then clear, accurate, beautifully constructed spoken English. The free sample contains your own interactive IPA sound chart with audio examples of every sound in English and a guide to structure and intonation.
