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Candlestick: AI Stock Picks
種類: software
アーティスト: Candlestick LLC
価格: 0円
発売日: 2021年03月05日
Investing made easy and profitable with the power of AI. Candlestick takes the hard parts of investing out of your hands and puts money into them. Our advanced AI model constantly updates to give you weekly recommendations that outperform the market. The model, which incorporates dozens of metrics per stock, learns to pick stocks by training hundreds of times over past data until it can achieve superhuman results. To put it simply, Candlestick uses the power of AI to make the stock market work for regular people. AFFORDABLE AND EASY TO USE * Pay only $9.99/mo for full access to all of Candlestick's premium features * Buy recommended stocks with just two clicks thanks to Robinhood deep linking * Help center offers comprehensive support CUSTOMIZABLE * Choose between two different AI models to suit your investing needs * The regular model offers flexible recommendations from across the NYSE and NASDAQ * The NEW blue chip model only trades on stocks in the S&P 500, and is perfect for users who want to invest in the best tried and true symbols * Both models have handily outperformed the market! INFORMATIVE * AI reports give insight into why your AI model picked each stock * Your Timeline offers sleek performance tracking and new stories relevant to your picks * Our exclusive AI Ratings let you see what the model thinks of your favorite stocks NEW: * Compete with other users to hone your investing skills in Candlestick pick challenges. * Chat with Advisor, an assistant that can answer all your investing questions. Join up with Candlestick early and get ready to beat Wall Street at its own game. TOS:
