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BombFall - 2D Bomb Survival
種類: software
アーティスト: Alexandre Senges
価格: 0円
発売日: 2024年03月26日
Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey in BombFall, a 2D platformer survival game set in a vivid cyberpunk world. BombFall offers a unique blend of destruction and exploration. In this game, you find yourself inside a towering, multi-leveled building as a relentless barrage of bombs rains from the sky. Each explosive has the power to obliterate everything in its path, carving a chaotic path through floors and walls. Your mission is simple yet perilous: descend through the ever-crumbling building by using the very bombs that threaten your existence. As you navigate downwards, the game's advanced physics engine brings each encounter to life, demanding quick thinking and even quicker reflexes. Strategically use the bombs to break through the floors, creating new paths, but beware - these explosives are as dangerous to you as they are to the structure. BombFall is not just about survival; it's also about exploration. Amidst the chaos, uncover hidden rooms and secret areas within the building, each offering unique challenges and rewards. The cyberpunk aesthetic paints a vibrant backdrop, with neon lights and futuristic designs adding depth to the immersive experience. With its blend of high-stakes gameplay, a destructible environment, and a richly detailed world, BombFall invites players to test their mettle against the relentless onslaught from above. Will you rise to the challenge and uncover the secrets hidden within the ruins, or will you fall victim to the raining terror of the bombs? The fate of your journey lies in your hands.
