Apple(iTunes) アフィリエイトタグ簡単作成補助サイト iTuneStoreを美味しく調理! - Tapplee(タップリー)

種類: software
アーティスト: Do Van Duc
価格: 0円
発売日: 2024年03月26日
A customisable blood pressure app that tracks changes in readings over time. Customising the presentation of data in a way that is relevant and engaging is key to the creation of usable insights. This can be achieved by granting users control of filtering variables as well as providing flexibility in design and appearance. Empowering users with this flexibility allows them to tailor and align their interface with their unique requirements, facilitating a more personalised analysis. Further, being able to tag readings with custom confounding variables incorporates additional contextual information that enhances the depth of understanding derived from the data.
