Apple(iTunes) アフィリエイトタグ簡単作成補助サイト iTuneStoreを美味しく調理! - Tapplee(タップリー)

種類: software
アーティスト: TakingITGlobal
価格: 0円
発売日: 2024年11月20日
From coast to coast to coast, to right around the globe, join us in acting together to make our communities more sustainable and inclusive. Small actions can have a massive impact, join us as we change our behaviours, ourselves & our future. Commit2Act lets you track the impact of your actions, compare and compete against other young people to win the best prize of all, a better world for everyone! You can also create a group for your friends, a school club, or classroom to track your actions together. To create bigger change, you can also learn more about and support organizations advocating for policy and systems change around each of these actions.
